To Submit a Story.
Oh, please do, pretty please with a bucket on top...I may even be so bold to ask you if I can archive your stories. I mean, you can only say no, right : )
Well, the easiest way would be to write to me and send the story to me as an e-mail or as an attachment. I can accept these formats: html, .txt and word, but please don't have them any bigger then 30k per e-mail or my Eudora will boil over. And I don't mean it figuratively speaking. If your story is bigger than 30k you can split it up and send it in multiple posts or if you already have the story on a homepage, just direct me to an URL and I'll download it myself. If you would prefer me to just link to your story, that is also very fine with me.
What kind of stories am I interested in?
Stories that are set just before, during or immediately after certain episode. They may also happen later; even years after the events of said episode but they have to be relevant to the episode. Maybe a trip to the memory lane perhaps or something. They can even be indirectly related to that episode and then only because of the re-appearance of a villain and or victim/hero from said episode.
They can be crossovers, au's, even pre-slash (stories where one or both realises their feelings but have not acted up on them) or any other category, just as long as they happen after a particular episode.
I'll also accept all Ratings, from FOR ALL AGES to NC-17 and every kink under the sun and not under the sun.
Are there stories I will not accept?
Hm, yes, I am reluctant but I think it would be best if I made an exceptions to underage slash. Not because they could be considered kiddie porn, but because I am a coward and vary of archiving them.
Other than J/B parings?
Yes please. I mean, Jim and Blair are wonderful but I wouldn't turn my nose up at Henry Brown/Rafe, or Blair/Simon, or Simon/Jim, or Rafe/... you get the point : ), pairings (and don't forget threesome or even foursome). Other than Jim/Blair pairings is acceptable and so is m/f if the story is dominantly slash.