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There Will Be Slash Here!
So please read the warning before you start your travels.
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June the 28th 1999.
The First story added to the Archive:
Bast's story 'Aftermath' added to 'Sentinel Too, Part II' page. July the 2nd 1999.
This site fully operational and working. July the 5th through 6th 1999.
Stories added:
'Change' by Annabelle Leigh added to 'The Sentinel by Blair Sandburg' page.
'Renewal' by Annabelle Leigh added to 'Murder 101' page.
'Tribe Sentinel' by Annabelle Leigh added to 'Sentinel Too, Part I' page.
'Progeny' by Annabelle Leigh added to 'Sentinel Too, Part I' page. July the 8th 1999.
Stories added:
'The Faceless Man' by Annabelle Leigh added to 'Dead End on Blank Street' page. July the 9th 1999.
Stories added:
'No Going Back' by XFreak added to 'The Sentinel By Blair Sandburg' page.
'Angel' by SharonD added to 'Sentinel Too, Part I' page. July the 9th 1999.
Stories added: 'Incacha's Death' by Geli added to 'Warriors' page.
Disclamers -- The Sentinel is owned by Pet Fly Productions. Everything on this page is meant for entertainment only, no money will be made from them. No Copyright infringement intended.
Credits -- I own basically nothing here, except the layout and the words (NOT the stories, though).
Background freely provided by
the torch, book and cateyes, come from
and the wolf image comes from